Friday, May 30, 2014


I am going to write this brief, indeed very brief post because I want to state the purpose of this blog which I am starting here. 

While trying to follow up on the new government which has been formed in India using the news networks.. I found that despite their 24/7 nature of operation, they always design their presentations to sensationalize the news.. I could not find any serious profiles being discussed about the various leaders, bureaucrats or others who are going to impact our daily life and national policies..

Thus, with this blog I will try to stay away from the news which is still forming/ happening and focus on the topics which have already matured, atleast to a reasonable extent.. I am sure there are a legions of serious blog out there, which handle the news as it is happening..

Also, the biggest victory I foresee is if people find the content relevant and actually post comments to correct me wherever I am wrong, or add facts which I may miss etc.. Hope to come back soon, with my first actual post..

Not so very brief indeed ;)